- Adler Realty Investments Inc.
- A.J. Diani
- Aldersgate Investments, LLC
- Alderwoods Group
- Allstate Insurance
- Alpine Geotechnical
- APA Industries
- Applied Environmental Technologies (AET)
- Atiabi Construction
- Artner West Construction Company
- Aragon Construction
- ARY Construction Inc.
Clients & Consultants
Below are only some of Advanced Geotechnical Services Inc. past partner companies & their testimonials:

- B & T Tank Service
- Bar Design Construction
- Bailey Construction Services
- Bell Canyon HOA
- Benner & Carpenter
- Berry General Engineering
- Betz Construction
- Big-D Construction
- Blois Construction
- Bottenfield Construction
- Borla Industries
- Boyd Beastrom & Assoc.
- Burns Pacific Construction
- Calex Engineering Company
- California State Parks
- California Lutheran University (CLU)
- Calleguas Municipal Water District
- Cardiff Realty Holdings,Inc.
- Casa Pacifica
- Cenergy Power
- CFM Builders,Inc.
- Channel Islands Harbor Dept.
- Channel Islands Pipeline Inc.
- Channel Islands Beach Community Services District
- Charles Blaugrund AIA
- City of Fillmore
- City of Oxnard
- City of Oxnard Water Waste Management
- Comsat Communications
- Convenience Management Group
- CW Driver
- Dansk Investments
- Dan Eggert Construction
- David Hertz Architects
- Daly Group
- Darcom Construction
- Damar Construction
- DJS Special Inspections
- DLV Design
- Doug Salser Construction
- Doman Pools
- Dylan Chappell AIA
- D2 Global
- Eco & Associates
- EDC, Inc
- ECO-Farm
- E & E Trust, LLC
E.F. Moore & Company
- Ellis Excavation
- EPI General Contractors
- E. C. Lind Architect, LLP
- Foodshare, Inc.
- Fillmore RV Center
- Foundation Solutions
- Garnicas Const.
- Gluck Development Company
- Gills Onions
- Geopier Foundation Company
- Gold Coast Broadcasting
- GPM, Inc. General Pavement Management Inc.
- Grosslight Construction
- Gonda Equestrian Ranch
- Habitat for Humanity
- Harris Engineering
- Hartigan – Foley
- Harwood Constructors
- Hayward Baker Geotechnical Construction
- Hollandia Produce, LLC
- Iralex Investments, Inc
- JCI Construction
- James McGarry Architect
- Jeff Kaplan Construction
- Jeff Rydeberg Construction
- Jeffrey Jordan Architects
- Jensen Drilling Company
- Jensen Engineering & Design
- Jim Finch Development
- Jim Borgault AIA
- J.M. Smuckers Co.
- J.M. Squared Development
- Johnson-Muller Architects
- John Cole Marketing
- K.E. Curtis Construction Inc
- Kana Subsurface Engineering
- Keir & Wright Civil Engineers
- Kiewit Pacific Company
- Kimball Ranches
- Krishnamurti Education Center
- Las Posas Country Club
- Lauterbach & Associates
- Limoneira
- Lithia Motors
- Loker Investors
- Lyle Smith Construction
- LT Real Estate Dev.
- M3Civil, Inc.
- Mark Varnum Construction
- Martinez Construction
- Matt Construction
- McConnells Ice Cream
- Malibu Bay Club
- Many Mansions
- McCarthy Construction
- Michael Chait Architect
- Mike Haun Construction
- Mission Produce
- MB Builders
- Mosler & Co. Contractors
- Moore & Taber Geotechnical Contractors
- MWS Wire Industries
- National Disaster Search Dog Foundation (NDSDF)
- National Park Service
- Nobel Development
- Norma Vargas Architects
- NV5 West
- Ojai Oil Company
- Oltmans Construction Co.
- Oro Del Norte, LLC
- Oxnard Center Company
- Oxnard Housing Authority
- Oxnard Lemon
- Pace Engineering, Inc.
- Pacific Hydrotech
- Paul Zink Architect
- Paul Beigh Conceptual Structures
- Parker Brown, Inc.
- Parris Construction
- Patagonia
- Penfield & Smith
- Penta Building Group
- Placco, LLC
- Pool Care Plus
- Prestige Homes, Inc
- RAD Ventures LLC
- Radtke Construction
- Ramseyer and Associates, Inc.
- RBF Consulting
- R.D. Olson Dev.
- Realty Bancorp Equities (RBE)
- Rick Moraga Architect
- Rics Construction
- Rincon Construction
- Rincon Recycling
- Rooadrunner Shuttle
- Ross Morgan Mgmt Co.
- Rotorcraft Inc.
- Safeco Insurance
- Sam Hill and Sons Construction
- Samitaur Constructs
- Santa Barbara Monestary
- Santa Paula High School District
- Scrivner Environmental Services
- Selleck Development Group
- Silagi Development
- Simi Valley Hospital
- Solano Maint Corp
- Southern California Builders
- Springfield HOA
- Sphear Investments, LLC
- Sunbelt Properties
- Staben Engineering
- Standard Industries
- Staples Construction Co., Inc.
- Studio William Hefner
- Sturgeon Services Int’l
- Summit / Keller Construction
- Sunset Holdings Partners,LLC
- Sun Air Jets
- Tenpenny Construction
- TIC/Aera Energy
- Tidwell Inc.
- The Chait Co.
- The Cheesecake Factory
- The Blackpointe Group
- The Daly Group
- The Olson Co.
- The Thacher School
- T.M. Mian & Associates
- The TOLD Corp
- Telegraph and Day, LLC
- 3114 Telegraph LLC
- Urban Commons, LLC
- Umbrasas
- Ventura County Game Preserve
- Ventura County Housing Authority
- Ventura Petroleum
- Valley Crest Landscape
- Villafana Engineering
- Viola Inc. Constructors
- Vons Supermarkets
- Vortech Engineering, Inc.
- Wells Fargo Bank
- Western Pre-Cooling
- Westmar LLC
- Westridge-Calabasas HOA
- Whiting Turner Corporation
- Wilbanks Engineering Company